Welcome to Cahokia Heights Police Department

Col.Steven L. Brown
Chief of Police
Cahokia Heights Police Department
Phone: 618.337.9508
Web: cahokiaheightspd.com
5800 Bond Ave. Cahokia Heights, IL 62206
Office: 618.337.9505
Fax: 618.337.9508
After Hours: 618.337.9505
Emergency: 911
Cahokia Heights Resource Links
Cahokia Heights Police Department
Mission Statement
The Cahokia Heights Police Department serves the community by protecting citizens and property, preventing crime, enforcing laws, and maintaining order. The Police Department provides 24-hour emergency service to its residents 365 days a year. The force is comprised of 30 full-time sworn officers, including 5 which serve as investigators. Officers are also certified to instruct firearms, self-defense, defensive driving, hazardous materials, and blood borne pathogens. The lobby is always open for the residents.
The primary aim of the Cahokia Heights Police Department is to create and maintain a safe, secure environment for all citizens of Cahokia Heights, Illinois. We strive to accomplish this goal through proactive community programs designed to prevent crime as well as efficient, thorough investigations of the offenses committed.
Organizational Structure
The delivery of professional police services in Cahokia Heights is coordinated through the three divisions and one bureau of Cahokia Heights Police Department. Routine services include uniform patrol operations, criminal investigations, technical and administrative support services and School Resources.
Submit a Crime Tip Anonymously
To report a crime anonymously online, all you need is to submit a crime tip below. Cahokia Heights Police Department promise and ensures absolute anonymity, not just confidentiality.

The City of Cahokia Heights City Hall
103 Main St, Cahokia, IL 62206
Phone: (618) 332.4258
Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Email: Info@cahokiaheightsil.us