Thank you for visiting the City of Cahokia Heights, Illinois website, we just launched this new and improved site. Enjoy!
Here you will find everything you need, from fast and convenient access to the City of Cahokia Heights Services and Departments or information about our history and its many exciting attractions.
We created this portal in order to introduce our beautiful and growing city to visitors and to establish a permanent and reliable communication tool between citizens and the City of Cahokia Heights in order to effectively manage everyday problems and requests. We also aim to constantly upgrade our databases, providing our citizens easy access to important information on issues that concern them. We hope you will find our efforts rewarding.
Thank you for visiting our site and we encourage you to visit often. Please mark it as a bookmark or favorite on your computer. Our government is committed to working with its residents as we move forward.
Mayor – Curtis McCall Sr.
The Start of Something New!